Happy friendship day!

On the rocky roads of relations
All sorts of hurdles
scared me enough
To give up
Expectations at every corner
Hailstorm of responsibilities
And disappointments shook my
Little bicycle


You came up
Carved a boat
Said we could always
sail through
Flow with the winds
Dodge twist turn
Still Have fun
It was so simple
And true.
On our journey to life
We never made any big promises
I could feel your presence
You never said you could be of help
We just talked and talked
I got used to it
And eventually at peace
We never believed in tags
As much as others nag
You are more a friend
than words could possibly say!

Happy friendship day all my amazing readers, hope you are doing well and we can continue our journey together. Most of the poems I wrote about a person, a figure have been inspired by my friends. For you look to them in times of joy and pain, light and dark, keep them close and life will be wonderful.

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